Market YOU First!

Don't be a Shoeless Cobbler!

Wes Wyatt Season 2 Episode 49

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I've got something weighing heavily on my mind that I just can't shake off: procrastination. It's a silent dream killer, and today, I'm stepping up to share how it's been affecting me personally. For those who've been following, you might have noticed it's been a hot minute since my last talk – we're talking since the end of October last year, and now we're here in May 2024. Time flies, and it’s high time we address the elephant in the room.

Now, I know sticking to an evergreen content strategy is the norm – keeping things timeless and all. But sometimes, you've just got to break the mold and get real with your audience. So here I am, stutter and all, ready to get down to the nitty gritty. Speaking of getting real, did you know that pushing past 10 podcast episodes puts you in an elite group of podcasters? And here’s a kicker, update your podcast semi-annually, and you’re shining at the top. Surprisingly, I've managed to surpass these milestones, but here comes the irony.

The irony is sharp, considering I preach 'market you first,' yet here I am, trailing behind on my own advice. While I've been committed to delivering weekly episodes for a client, reaching an impressive 230 episodes without fail, my personal progress has been gathering dust since last October. It’s a wake-up call – being the cobbler who walks barefoot is no longer an option.

Reflecting on my journey, there was a time when I triumphed over a personal challenge, losing over 100 pounds and 54 inches. It wasn't easy, and regaining that weight wasn’t part of the plan. Yet, it highlighted an essential truth: energy and persistence conquer all things. Consistency is key, whether it’s losing weight, running a podcast, or any endeavor. It’s about pushing through, market you first, and stay persistent.

So here’s my vow – no more being a shoeless cobbler. Despite my behind-the-scenes diligence for clients, ensuring the train always runs on time, I’ve neglected my own station. But that ends today. I’m stoking a fire in my belly, ready to tackle ambitious goals head-on. This year, I’m writing a book, launching a membership site among other exciting ventures. It’s about embracing discomfort, staying hungry, and adopting the 'third monkey on the ark' mindset as rain clouds loom. Let this be the spark to light a fire under you too.

If there’s one takeaway from all this, let it be the importance of marketing yourself first. It’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way, but it’s never too late to change course. Stay uncomfortable, stay ambitious, and remember, action begets action. I hope this message ignites a spark within you as it has in me. Keep pushing forward, and until our next chat, have a dynamite day. 

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