Market YOU First!

Enrich It Or Ditch It!

Wes Wyatt Season 2 Episode 32

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I'm always intrigued by people that say, "I just don't have the time."  An even better version of it is, "I just can't find the time."  If 10 of the people that say that would let me follow them around on one of their perceived busiest days, I'd be willing to bet I could find an excessive amount of time that could be allocated better for at least 8 or 9 of 'em.

Why?  We (YEP - I'm including myself!) major in minor things.  Are those minor things fun sometimes?  Absolutely - but, are they musts in our life?  Nope!

When was the last time you took inventory of how you spend your time?  I mean REALLY dug down deep and examined it?  After all - it's quite possibly the most important thing we have in our lives.   Unlike money or stuff we've bought with it - once it's gone, you can never get it back.  And even more importantly - we have no idea how much of it we have at any given time.  So it's very likely the most important thing we have!

To see what sort of time I could wring out of my current work schedule - I decided to take the following approach. If it (The things I'm doing) doesn't enrich it (My life) - ditch it (Don't do it)!

     en·rich - /inˈriCH,enˈriCH/

     verb:  Improve or enhance the quality or value of.

Examples of this could be:

  • Watching educational YouTube Videos instead of entertaining ones.
  • Listening to educational podcasts instead of entertaining ones.
  • Reading educational books and blogs instead of entertaining ones.

So many of the things we do in a day take us down rabbit holes that suck valuable time away from us.

If you stop and ask yourself, "Does this enrich me?" every time you're getting ready to do something - eventually you'll train yourself to seek out things that enrich you.

I hope this allows you to find the time you didn't think you had.

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Until next time - have a DYNAMITE day!


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