Market YOU First!

Don't Assume

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One of the things you attempt to do when blogging and podcasting is to stay evergreen.  In a nutshell - it means the information will be relevant and without a time frame regardless of when it's viewed.  Spoiler Alert - this podcast will break that rule today.

We're going to be talking about assumptions.  But, before we do that - let's provide a story to be presumptuous with.

Unless you've been under a rock - you're probably aware that Elon Musk bought Twitter for approximately 44 BILLION (Yep - with a "B") Dollars!

Immediately after the news broke on the purchase - reports of people saying they were deleting their accounts started flowing in.  Here's my take on the situation.

  • I think some of the people doing it are just trying to piggyback on the news and make it benefit them.
  • Others have had their way of thinking supported by the previous owners - and their scared that all views are going to be allowed again.
  • And the rest probably haven't ever tweeted anything ever - but, feel they need to run their mouths. 

Just for the record, the 3 opinions listed above are just that - opinions.  You might even say I'm being presumptuous.   I'd disagree.  For my take on all this - I'm going with the adjective form of the word assuming.

"Taking too much for granted"

Based on previous actions in Hollywood and politics - I think people have exhibited one or more of those points on numerous occasions - and thus, I'm not taking too much for granted.

However, their leaving BEFORE any changes have been made whatsoever IS very presumptuous!

Ever since I was a kid - I've heard the saying,  "When you assume - it makes an ASS out of U and ME."

Jumping forward before you have enough information to make an informed decision is the way I'd define assuming in the context of this post.  And doing so is never a good idea!

We all have opinions - but before publicly locking into them, make sure you haven't spoken out of turn.  Remember - you can't unring a bell!

Here are links to my various Social Media Platforms - with posts dealing with this topic.

Let me know your two cents on assuming and Elon buying Twitter.

If you want to know more about this and ALL Market YOU First episodes - visit us at

Until next time - have a DYNAMITE day!


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