Market YOU First!

Encourage The YOU In Others!

Season 2 Episode 43

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 "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle."

This quote by James Keller is something I'd love you to interalize today!

Here on the Market YOU First Podcast - we encourage people to do precisely what the name implies.  While doing so, you don't have to focus on yourself alone.  Be sure to give credit and kudos when due!

Sometimes people need to know that the things they're doing make a difference.  Don't confuse that with recognition.  Think of it as an echo.  If you yelled into a well or valley and didn't hear an echo back - you wouldn't keep yelling to hear one.   

I was having a video conversation a few days ago with a marketer and let them know a training they'd done a while back was great.  They seemed surprised that I was aware of it - and the next day they started promoting it again.  How cool is that?

Did I lose anything from giving them this compliment?  NOPE!  I'd even argue that instead of taking away anything, it actually made BOTH of us feel good!

On a completely different angle, credit and kudos provided at the right time just might be the thing someone desparately needed to hear.  In a world where people rant and rave about what they don't like - be someone that raises people up and points out the things that are awesome!

If you want to know more about this and ALL Market YOU First episodes - visit us at

Until next time - have a DYNAMITE day!


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