Market YOU First!

Where DOES The Time Go?!?

Season 2 Episode 38

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At this time of year - everyone's putting up pictures of their children's first day of school or college.  In addition - pics from the past are popping up across social media platforms.

You look at these pics and ask yourself, "Where does the time go?!?"

Without going into a bunch of details (Much of which you'd be completely uninterested in) - I've been CRAZY busy!   In this rush of craziness - I noticed it had been over a month since I'd done a new podcast.

Again, I ask myself, "Where does the time go?!?"

One thing that has been holding my time is getting used to a new health routine.  Not only am I not allowed to have my beloved dark friend - the coffee bean, but I'm also on a very restrictive diet.  And as with most health routines - I'm also introducing more physical conditioning into the mix. 

Creating new routines, finding the time to do them, and most importantly, doing them can be quite a task!  Whether it's a new health routine or getting out regular podcast episodes - you have to make the time and follow through!

Benjamin Franklin is one of my favorite people to quote.  He said,

“If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail”

Here's the deal.   Time is going to pass regardless of whether you have a plan or not.  Wouldn't you prefer to be on the winning side of time?  I know I do!

If you want to know more about this and ALL Market YOU First episodes - visit us at

Until next time - have a DYNAMITE day!


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