Market YOU First!

Shiny Object Syndrome

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Have you ever heard of someone sending out an S.O.S.?  It was originally used in maritime as a Morse Code Distress Call to request help or rescue. 

In recent years - it's turned into an acronym for Shiny Object Syndrome.

In the marketing world - this syndrome runs absolutely rampant!    And hopefully, by the end of this podcast - you won't need to send out the before-mentioned distress call because you've fallen victim to it.

You can't go an hour online without seeing a new offer - probably DOZENS!  And if the copywriters and marketers have done their job correctly - they'll have you experiencing a major case of yet another acronym - F.O.M.O. (Fear Of Missing Out).

They'll tell you things like,

"You're already using "X".  What if you could get paid for sharing it with your friends, family, and contacts?  You're already doing it (Talking about it)!  Why not get paid for it?!?"

"One of the TIPTOP marketers of all time has come out of retirement to market this company - and you'll be on their team!"

"You can get in on the ground floor!"

And on...and on...and ON!  

Full disclosure - I've been in and still participate in both Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.  I'm not disparaging either.  

My approval of them does come with three huge warnings.

One - when you get involved with either, make sure you follow the name of this podcast and "Market YOU First"!  Don't be THAT person that is in the N.F.L. (No Friends/Family Left - yep yet ANOTHER acronym!).  Sell yourself, NOT what you sell!

Two - do you really think marketers are going to tell the one hundred percent truth where making money is concerned?  If so - I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you - CHEAP!  Just like Las Vegas wasn't built on winners - most opportunities aren't built on success stories and the people walking the stage.  Sorry - they just aren't.

Three - regardless of how incredible the "opportunity" appears to be - if it's going to take your attention away from what you're currently intent on building, then don't do it.  You can't ride two horses with one butt!  If it's as good as advertised - it'll be there when you're ready to take it on.  Don't fall victim to Shiny Object Syndrome!

At the time of this podcast - I'm wearing a "Back To The Future" t-shirt.  If I could only go back and coach myself - I'd save myself countless amounts of time and money.  So KNOW this message comes from someone who's been there, done that, and has the experience and event lanyards to prove it!

If you want to know more about this and ALL Market YOU First episodes - visit us at

Until next time - have a DYNAMITE day!


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